Warshaw Burstein LLP | Intellectual Property Practice | Domain Names
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Domain Names

The importance of domain names in representing brands and companies has led to an emerging intellectual property practice area specific to securing and asserting clients' intellectual property rights which intersect with domain names, copyrights, the Internet, and more. Warshaw Burstein assists clients in New York City, throughout the U.S., and around the world to claim, purchase, and negotiate the transfer of domain names which correspond to or are related to services, trademarks, and copyrights owned by clients.

Strategic Domain Name Representation

There are several resolutions to client issues involving domain names. For instance, Warshaw Burstein assists clients in purchasing domain names from domain owners. When domain owners cannot be identified or refuse the sale, the firm pursues arbitration in appropriate tribunals. The use of tribunals and arbitration is weighed against the cost of the process and the likelihood of success in forcing a transfer of the domain name.

At Warshaw Burstein, the firm's IP practice in all arenas is governed by a pragmatic balancing of outcomes, costs, and breadth of protection. The firm advises clients and pursues the maximum protection, at an optimal value. It generally manages all aspects of the domain name transfer and conducts extensive research through domain brokers to identify owners and negotiate domain transfers.

Defining Your Business on the Internet

IP protection online requires robust Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, guidelines, clear notices of ownership, and other terms and conditions in order to ensure that users are placed on notice as to what information on the site is proprietary and the rules governing the use for a site. By drafting these documents, Warshaw Burstein places clients in a clear position in regard to terms.

Secure Your Domain Names - Protect Your Interests

Warshaw Burstein LLP, a global IP firm with offices in New York City, can help you identify domain owners and protect your trademarks and copyrights on the Internet. For more information, call 212-984-7700 or send an email.